6 Tips to Ease Back into an Exercise Routine

6 Tips to Ease Back into an Exercise Routine

Now that warmer weather is upon us many people are finding the inspiration to set fitness goals. However, after a long, cold winter spent cuddled up on the couch it can be difficult to work up the motivation to begin an exercise routine. Here are a couple of tips to help you avoid injury as you begin easing back into working out after a long winter break.

6 Tips to Ease Back into Exercise Routine

1. Find your motivation

It is easy to make excuses and find reasons not to work out. Always remind yourself of what motivated you to get fit in the first place. Is there a special occasion you want to look good for? Do you want to avoid health problems related to weight gain? Do you want to be better able to keep up with your kids (or grandkids)? Let your motivation drive you to reach your fitness goals.

2. Start small

Doing too much too soon can be overwhelming and can leave you with injuries because your body is not prepared for the sudden increase in activity. Start with 5 to 10 minutes of low-impact exercise a day and work your way up from there.

3. Warm-up and cool down

Be sure to stretch and loosen your muscles before you begin to exercise. After you exercise, a cool-down period is essential to let your heart return to its resting rate as well as reduce post-exercise muscles soreness.

4. Focus on form

Go slow and make deliberate movements. Proper technique and form are essential if you want to avoid injury.

5. Take a rest day

Rest days are key to long-term wellness. Your body needs the extra time to rest and repair after all the work you have put it through.

6. Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water when exercising! Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to help prevent injury.

At Carlson Chiropractic it is our goal to help you on your path to wellness and adopting an exercise routine is a great step! Before you begin a new fitness routine, especially if you have pre-existing mobility issues, contact us to have our team work with you to develop a safe and effective plan. If you encounter any injuries or find yourself feeling sore after work out chiropractic care is a safe, drug-free way to alleviate pain.