Back Pain Relief from Your Chiropractor

Back Pain Relief from Your Chiropractor

Do you suffer from lower back pain? Have you been told you need back surgery? 

Spinal decompression therapy is a procedure where we decrease pressure on the disc pad that’s been injured through disc herniation or disc bulging. Proper care, over time, treats the cause of the back pain instead of masking the symptoms, providing back pain relief. 

There are some misconceptions about spinal decompression. The most common truth we want patients to know is that spinal decompression takes time. Healing is not instantaneous, but it is a natural way to reduce pain without surgical intervention, opioids and the risk of opioid addiction. 

At Carlson Chiropractic, we take the time to assess each patient individually and with care. We can give you a second opinion with a careful review of your MRI, and together we can determine if spinal decompression is right for you.  

 Want to learn more about Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Click the link below to download today.

Spine Decompression CTA