Why Decompression Can Work and Get You Back to Work

Why Decompression Can Work and Get You Back to Work

On the job injuries are some of the most common reasons for patients to visit the chiropractor. It is not uncommon to see everyone from office workers to contractors and even teachers visiting the chiropractors office in search of effective pain relief options. Whether you’re simply experiencing severe neck pain or you’re actually dealing with the symptoms of a herniated disc, spinal decompression therapy is an effective nonsurgical treatment option that can relieve your pain and help get you back to work.


If you have been living with chronic back pain for quite some time or other related spinal conditions, you understand how disruptive these symptoms can be to your day-to-day life. Here’s what you need to know to find out if spinal decompression therapy is a viable treatment option for you.

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

The nonsurgical spinal decompression treatment option involves a type of motorized decompression that is meant to relieve chronic back pain and get patients back to work and living a normal life. This type of therapy works by gently stretching the spine to change the force and position of your spine and take pressure off of any injured discs. These discs act as a cushion between the bones in your spine and when they become injured (bulging or herniated), they can leave patients living with a great deal of pain and discomfort. 

As a result of nonsurgical spinal decompression therapy, bulging or herniated discs may retract and take the pressure off of your nerves and other structures in the spine, providing much needed relief. Additionally, by creating negative pressure on injured discs, spinal decompression therapy can help promote the movement of oxygen, water and other nutrient-rich fluids into the spinal discs so that they have a better chance of healing properly. 

Spinal decompression therapy is so effective that doctors often use it to treat:
• Back pain
• Neck pain
• Sciatica
• Bulging or herniated discs
• Degenerative disc disease
• Worn spinal joints or posterior fact syndrome
• Diseased or injured nerve roots

Get the Relief You Need to Get Back to Work

For those patients that choose spinal decompression therapy to treat their spinal conditions, the actual treatment process is relatively simple. Treatment usually lasts between 10 to 30 minutes and requires anywhere from 20 to 28 visits over a 5 to 7 week period. Your chiropractic team may also recommend other types of treatment before or after receiving spinal decompression therapy including: 
• Electrical stimulation
• Ultrasound
• Heat and/or cold therapy

Visit the experienced team at Carlson Chiropractic Center online for more information spinal decompression therapy and other nonsurgical treatment options and schedule your initial consultation today!


Free Guide to Spinal Decompression

Carlson Chiropractic Center is a state of the art health and wellness chiropractic center in Joplin, Missouri. Our team of doctors maintain a strong focus on prevention and are dedicated to helping people achieve wellness objectives by treating neuromuscular complaints such as back, neck, joint, arm and leg pain. As one of the few centers in the area offering certified decompression treatments, we provide a surgery free option for herniated and bulging discs.